
She's Back...Grandma's Grammar Part II

Remember her? If not, read this.

This week's little tidbit of information is going to cover the apostrophe. You know, that little tiny mark thingy that's 2 keys to the right of the 'L' on the keyboard? It's such a sweet little thing and can be ever so useful. So here are a few instances when apostrophes are to and not to be used. Observe...

Example 1
One apple, two apples. Correct
One apple, two apple's. Not correct

Example 2
Ashlee's apples. Correct
Ashlees apples. Not correct

The first example is called making something plural, which means more than one. When making something plural, or saying there is more than one of something, simply add an s. That's it!! That's all you have to do!!! Just add one s. Nothing else. Just the letter s. It's easy!
See watch:


Easy enough right? Hopefully! :)

Example 2 I gave above was that of making something possessive, which means that something belongs to somebody. When making something possessive, simply add an apostrophe and then an s. That's it!! That's all you have to do!! Just add one apostrophe and one s! Nothing else!
Just 's. It's easy!
See watch:

Ashlee's apple
Kate's cat
God's human
Collin's car
Everybody's toe
Mom's flowers
Lucy's hat
April's magazine

Easy enough again right?! Hopefully! :)

If there are any additional questions, feel free to comment and I'm sure that one of my brothers would be glad to quickly comment and answer your question.


Lauri said...

I struggled with apostrophes for years. Luckily that was before the days of computers so I'd just put the apostrophe dangling in the air above the s so you really couldn't tell if it was before or after the s. I finally had to really learn about apostrophes when I was doing a long term sub position for and English teacher.

Whitney said...

Now what if The persons name ends with s and you need to make it possessive. do you add apostrophe s or just an apostrophe? Tricky tricky. ha ha. I know the answer. Do you? ha ha. That should be example 3. People get it all wrong.

Tina said...

I'm just sayin'.........sometimes you have to add es to make something plural. Such as......kisses. See, kisss would not be correct and it would just look funny! Pat me on the back, Uncle Bob!

Chantz H. Davis said...

Ash.... I love you're grammar lessens. Their always so funny. I am hoping for a lessen on lie and lay. They always get me confused. I mean do you lay down, lie down, lye to you're parents? Lets get honest.... how are we supposed to really learn english when their are so many rules and exceptions etc. keep 'em comin' ash. I need help. Another thought...... affect and effect.... those make me a little confused also. I am weighting for some darn good twotouring from you!

Mamma Martin said...

two touring? Sounds like a couple's trip. Notice the ' !!!.
Gary and Kathleen have a new house.
The Davises have a new house.
Gary's house is new.
The Davises' house is new.

Uncle Bob. Hol'y Cra'p !!

Chantz H. Davis said...

Still didn't address my lie/lay, affect/effect issues Uncle Bob.

Tina said...

Their always so funny? Come on A. Lena! Where did you go to school? R.V.? JK I know you know the difference between their, there and they're. At least, me thinks you'uns does, I mean do, I mean....ah heck! Let's just all move to Arkansas where it really doesn't matter.

Sarah said...

Plural of Ox? = Oxen
Plural of Box = Boxen.
