
The Academy

3 years ago today, we did this

C's parents were driving up, hence the waving.
I still like him enough to kiss him like that.

In 3 years we've found a lot of things, and lost a lot of things

We've found:
a new home
lots of nickels
an enormous hatred for ants
our first car
our favorite places to eat
lots of stuff on Craigslist
some extra junk in the trunk
that we disagree on unimportant thing
that we agree on anything that matters
Julia Child
life to be expensive
a best friend

We've lost:

Our marriage rocks. I love him. Just for a tiny insight into our lives, here's a G-chat conversation we had just yesterday (I've highlighted my favorite part in red for your convenience):

me: okay cool
1:18 PM collin!!!!!! guess what!!!!!!!!!
1:19 PM Collin: what
me: okay, it's probably not as exciting to you as it is to me, but in my mind it totally warrants all those exclamation marks.
1:20 PM Collin: tell me
me: ANYWAY. There's this blog I've been stalking for months and months. It's actually even bookmarked on my browser as "cute skirt cute hair girl" and I have secretly stalked her. Never commented, NOTHING. And she just became a follower on spoiled eggs.
Collin: thats really cool!
send me the link
me: there must be a way for her to see that i follow her blog right?
the link to her blog?
1:23 PM Collin: you linked to her on your blog first?
me: nooooo
i just had her bookmarked on my browser. i did not link to her
Collin: i dont think that is trace-able
1:24 PM me: i know! this is nuts!
1:25 PM should i tell her or wait for her to say something first?
oh my gosh it feels like i'm trying to date her. holy crap this is fantastic.
1:26 PM Collin: why say something... she is just following your blog... let her follow in peace. thats what i say
unless you want to have your badge on her blog or something
me: let her follow on peace. haha
hahahahah my badge?!
lol oh my gosh
1:27 PM button honey. it's a button.
1:28 PM Collin: i think badge is more correct
just sayin
1:29 PM button is like when it says "submit"
me: lol i will be using it in a blog post
Collin: or "send"
me: hahahaha
Collin: badge, as in an affiliate badge
google it
me: no no, i get it. it's just called a button.
Collin: and i am saying that it is called a badge
1:30 PM like merit badge for girls
me: lol oh my
Collin: the more you have the better blogger you are
me: hahahaha. kinda

So there's our life in a nutshell. I get excited about random blogging friends, he does a really good job of being excited for me and finds some way to make me laugh in the mean time. I love him. Also, a very happy anniversary to my friend Tyrell and her hubs and also our friends Zach and Whitney.


Alexa Mae said...

hahahah you guys crack me up! i love you. can we meet up? like soon?

happy anniversary!!! hip-hip-hooray for your three years and the eternity to go. you two make an amazing couple!

Markee said...

it's your anniversary!! YAY!! The convo is too much, Collin is hilarious!!! You guys are absolutely PERFECT for each other!!

Anonymous said...

stop being so cool, ash.

(happy, happy anniversary!)

Rylee said...

you guys are hilarious. happy anniversary! august is a good month for weddings!

Sarah said...

hahahaha... i am laughing so hard. Yay for the anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful day and rest of forever. We love you!

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary!!! What a way to start of this special day ...in the temple. Love you both!

Whitney said...

Can we celebrate with your guys maybe next weekend? Like totally for sure? Ill text you.

Tina said...

How come I remember you getting married in July? Something about 7/7/07 at 7 pm. Am I crazy or did I just dream that up?

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

You're not crazy! That was just Markee, not me!

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

You guys as TOOOOOOOOOO cute. Seriously. There are not words.