
X 3

Our family has tripled in size this week. We've inherited 4 kids for 7 days. I tell you this for about 5 reasons.

1. Pity
2. Understanding. So you'll understand if I don't blog much this week
3. Advice. We'll take any of it.
4. Prayers. We need them.
5. Anticipation. Get your hopes up for some killer stories. I'm sure I'll have plenty of them by next week.

We really are happy/excited to be hanging out with these kids. But it's only day 2. I may not be saying that by day 7! Heaven help us all!!

P.S. Be sure to check out my infertility blog for a pretty sweet giveaway.


Whitney said...

Good luck my friends. 1 is already more than I can handle.

Chantz H. Davis said...

Bless your hearts!

Markee said...

Good Luck with that!! I'm sure you guys are pros!!

Sarah said...

You can do it. Just breathe.