
Life In Black and White

Remember when C gave me a certificate to go on a Safari for my birthday? Two years ago? Me too. And just a few days ago, we actually had the time to go. It was the most amazing thing I've ever done, and by far the best birthday present I've ever received 2 years late. Thanks C. A lot.


Alexa Mae said...

wooo hooo!! that is amazing my dear. i am so glad you got to go. geez collin...hehe just kidding. (i still love your glasses.) you are beautiful my dear.

Matthew and Lindsey said...

Ash, I love the glasses. P.S. I didnt know that you wrote that other blog. The other day I spent like an hour re reading all your posts. Good luck and I sure to love ya

Tyrell Berner said...

Ashlee you are so stinkin cute!

Whitney said...

bravo for you not wanting to wait until it got cooler outside. Glad to see you avoided heat stroke. Seriously Out of Africa is soooo cool!

P.S-if we dont get together soon my same street friend I might as well commit suicide.

P.S.S- After reading Collin and ZAchs facebook chat the other day (I seriously was peeing my pants dieing of laughter) Can you believe how old our men are? I mean come on 10 year highschool reunion planning. Ridiculous.

Unknown said...

I looooove Out of Africa... Soooooo glad you got to go!!!!!!