
You Should Have Seen It In Color

Ever wanted to hold a python? Me too. But I never want to again.

Ever wondered what an ostrich thinks? The look on her face tells me, not much.
Ever wanted to play hide-and-go-seek with a giraffe? I won.
Ever wanted to kiss a giraffe? She did. It was naaaassssstttyyyy.
Ever wanted to see a giraffe's ear up close? I'll hook you up.
Ever wanted to feed a giraffe? You can either visit this place, or live vicariously through me.

Ever wanted to be close enough to a giraffe to head-butt it? It was awesome!!


Tyrell Berner said...

RAD! So jealous!

Kylee and Dustin said...

Grrrrrrrrrroooooooosssss!!!! And you are a lot braver than I am. But that is obvious.