It seemed to say
"Good job on the baby blanket you made."
"Don't worry, you'll find a house soon."
I also think it said "I love you."

3rd Nephi 14:11 "give good gifts to your children."
(I think she's giving the best gift of all when she delivers one of these.)
i'm so glad you found a nickel. i've been having one of those days where finding a nickel would help keep me sane! maybe she misplaced it? haha
So cool.
Man, I was hoping to find one on my bed when I got here, I guess when you are looking for them you don't get them!! Dang it!
I agree--to all 3!! She is so close!! And I love you, too!!
sweet Ash!
I love nickels...or nicoll's.
I thought so... I think we have talked about a big trip one of these years. I dont know....
Funny how they show up when we need them most or at the most unexpected times! Oh how sorry I feel for the unbelievers!!! IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE.... YOU DON'T RECEIVE! Just hearing a nickel story keeps all the rest of us going! thanks for sharing!
Love it! They truely are the best gift ever!
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