
Mustard...Ketchup....Catch Up

It has been 16 days since my last post. In that 16 days my dancers had their recital, I finished school, we had 8 birthdays one of which was my sweet husband's, we've spent lots of time with family, Coll completed his second to last semester of undergrad., we've seen miracles in employment, Ward and Sister, the gospel and everything else. It's amazing how much can happen in such a short amount of time.

I'll start at the very beginning with my girls and their dance recital. Crys (Collin's sister) has been letting me teach some girls with her out of her dance studio and we had an awesome Christmas recital. The girls did so well and it was so fun to see everything come together.

Coll turned 26! We had a simple dinner get together with family and a few gifts. His birthday was on Thursday and he was completely done with school on Friday so we decided to wait until Saturday and celebrate his finishing the semester and celebrate his birthday. So we went to F1 Racing which is a go cart racing track that has cars that go 40 mph. It was crazy. Then we went to the batting cages and played around. Mostly we just relaxed and had fun. 

Coll and I both finished this semester more concerned about actually finishing than our grades, but we each ended up doing well grade-wise also which is a plus. As a part of Coll's college they have to do an end of the semester show to showcase their work. This is his table which was a complete hit! Their theme was kitchen and cooking, hence the chef hat!

With no school and work we have been able to spend lots of time with family. We got to chill with Mark and Eric at the zoo lights and Dust and Ky have come over with their kiddos. Here are a few of my favorite pics of the last few days spending time with family.

This is our future Ray Charles. We love him jammin' and drinkin'! He's the best!
Note the kissing penguins in the background, we wanted to be them.
We liked the flying monkeys on the trees.

Lastly I feel like I need to post my usual birthday odes. 

To Aunt Tina, growing up, one of my favorite things was always hearing the phone ring, answering it and hearing your voice. You never said "can I talk to you mom" first, you always always talked to me first. You took the time to chat with me and you always knew what was going on in my life so you knew what questions to ask and it always made me feel so special. You're the best! 

To Katie, I don't know how you do it. Your service and will to help others is unlike anything I've ever seen. When something needs done, you just do it and I will forever admire that about you. 

To Aunt Lena, I know it was probably small to you (or maybe it was total torture) but each time you would come to my soccer games meant the world to me. Our team was horrid, your girls were always dominating in their sports and you could have totally skipped out on mine for something way better, but you came and yelled and I will never forget that. It's the perfect example of who you are. You find something that will mean the most to somebody and you do it and it has stuck with me forever. 

To Katelynn, Kim and Danika, you were all friends that made high school a lot more fun! I love you girls so much and am glad to know you and call you my friends. Weird that we're married or going on missions or stuff like that when in reality we should all still be challenging Mr. Pena to donut eating contests. 

And lastly, my dear husband. Never have I known a man of such integrity. He is everything I want to be and everything a man should be. He never tells a lie, never speaks an unkind word, never gets offended, never offends, always finds a way to bring the gospel into each situation, fulfills his callings to the max and it is more than an honor to call him my husband and my best friend. Because of Collin and the life we have created together I must truly say that I could not be happier. I look forward to spending his 26th year with him and Collin, I love you very much. 

I hope those to whom it applies have had or will have happy December birthdays and if I don't post before then, Merry Christmas to all!


Unknown said...

Wow, Ashlee, you really have been busy! But, it sounds like you're having a great time, and living life to its fullest! I am so very happy for you!!!

Kates said...

I am so proud I got a shout out on for my birthday. That makes me feel awfully special. You are awesome Ash. Glad you are busy, no time for trouble when you are busy!

Tina said...

Thanks Ash! You made me tear right up. I love you! I'm glad you're so happy. Have a great Christmas!

Mamma Martin said...

I love reading your blog!! Can't wait for New Years!!! I love you!!!!!

Rylee said...

Ok Ash so last night I was half awake, half dreaming and had THE BEST idea of something for Collin to make. Pretty sure it would have made you millions and I CANNOT remember for the life of me what it was! I should have written it down. I'm so mad at myself! Maybe it will come to me again tonight!

Chantz H. Davis said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Ash especially since you were thinking of me on Coll's day! Sounds like your life is falling into place - which usually happens when we do what we are supposed to! You are a jewel to say the least!!!