
In case you were wondering...

Yesterday (against my better judgement) I picked Collin up from school on the scooter instead of in the car. The only reason that's a bad thing is because this time of year going 45 mph outside is FREEZING and I can not afford to get sick right now! Anyway, I picked Coll up, we headed home, I fixed him dinner and he headed off to mutual. In the mean time I was not thawing out. So I made myself some hot chocolate and heated up a rice bag. Well the hot chocolate wasn't enough and the rice bag wasn't doing the trick either. My feet especially were freezing so I went through a long train of thoughts...1.You can put rice bags in the microwave 2. Rice bags are made of fabric on the outside 3. Rice bags don't get damaged nor does the microwave in the process of heating it up 4. My feet are freezing 5. Since a rice bag is safe in the microwave socks must be too. So after I thought through it, I decided to put a pair of socks in the microwave and then to wear them to warm up my feet. In case any of you were wondering, YOU CAN NOT HEAT UP SOCKS IN THE MICROWAVE. The socks lit on fire, the glass plate inside the microwave shattered resulting in the microwave door flying open and glass shooting everywhere. Collin was at mutual which thankfully just so happened to be right across the street, so he hurried home to this delightful, smelly surprise:

Shattered plate and burnt stuff.

Flaming Socks.

Collin stomping out the sock fire.
I don't know when I've ever felt so dumb.


brittany sue said...

HAHAHAHAHAAAA! You are so dang cute! This is definately a story you'll always remember! Who knew socks couldn't get nuked?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the warning! Did your feet warm up with all the commotion???

Tassi Smith said...

Yikes! Thanks for sharing so we can all learn not to put socks in the microwave.

Rylee said...

I'm suprised it didn't work. I can see your logic, weird that they blew up the microwave! The pictures of Collin with the socks are awesome!

Chelsee said...

I am cracking up, that is so funny! Who knew socks can't survive the microwave?

Chantz H. Davis said...

Ash, this could only happen to you! Awesome story, funny to get a mental picture and then to see colin playing fireman was halarious!

Mamma Martin said...

Someday your kids will get such a kick out of this little episode!!

Markee said...

this is eric... if you didn't keep the pool house at arctic temperatures then you would have less sock fires and more visitors

Race Davis said...

I totally would have tried that....until now. I won't try now.

Tina said...

How can it be freezing in Phoenix? Let's get honest---those valley people don't even know what cold is!!! Next time put rice in your socks! Funny story and even funnier to picture! I love blogs. Without them, your poor A. Tina in MO would probably never have heard this story!

Sarah said...

haha...laughing so hard. I am glad you did not get hurt!

Tammy said...

Oh Ash, thanks for sharing, what a hard way to learn a lesson! Glad your safe .
glad you were able to come to Chels shower today it is always great to see your sweet face and visit.
Remember lets do dinner

Kates said...

I have laughed and laughed over this story. I actually heard it from markee before I read it. It is a classic story. I am glad collin saved the day.

Lindsey's Lemonade said...

I have actually burned the rice in a rice bag by cooking it too long in the microwave. Imagine the possibilities if one put popcorn in a sock an cooked it a little too long...

Crystal Star said...

Was Collin just crackin up or what. What a fun memory and your kids will laugh when they hear about it. I'm may become a family classic. "My feet are cold". "Well throw your socks in the microwave." Thanks for sharing. I love people that can laugh at themselves.

Tina said...

Ever think of trying the dryer? I didn't, but Brooke did! Still a good story.

Blake and Martha said...

Ashlee you are priceless :)