
Happy Birthday Mark!

Yay for Markee!! Today she is the big bopper.....21!!! Markee is my best friend in the world and I'm amazed every day at how amazing she is. She's beautiful, talented and the best mom ever.  I love Markee because;

1. When I get mad SHE will cuss!!! :) (I won't say the cuss words so she says them for me!)
2. She always, always, always, always takes me side even when I'm dead wrong. 
3. She's the most loyal person alive, once she loves you she'll always love you.
4. She tolerated my weird music through high school from Dashboard to Clay Aiken....except I think she ended up liking Clay Aiken!
5. She always comes to my events, she's so supportive.
6. She's the most organized woman alive, she knows where stuff is.
7. She's so organized that she knows where MY stuff is! I can call her when I've lost something and she'll take me right to it!

Some of my favorite memories of Mark are;
1. Living in Palmyra with her, coming in late at night and hearing "just turn on the light don't use that da** phone".
2. Playing in her tree house in the back yard and her hanging bed in the old laundry room, now knows as Chantz's room.
3. Sleeping over at her house under her moon/star/cloud ceiling and comforter.
4. Watching her do her hair and always wishing I could get mine to look that cute.
5. Getting ready for the St. Johns dances in her room.
6. The smell on the way home from the Painted Forest.
7. Our matching Jasmine shirts.
8. Cous Ma The Be Fri
10. Calling to get permission before ever watching Here On Earth, eating Oreos or having Ramen.
11. Our Sunday drives up on the mesa listening to music and chatting.
12. Giving massages on the road, and somehow Markee falling asleep before it was my turn!
13. Watching her push Nash out like a champ!! Seriously my hero!

My list could go on forever, Markee's pretty much in every single memory I've ever had. We went through the temple together, got married within weeks of each other, were born within weeks of each other, are as different as night and day and in my opinion the best friends that ever were. I love you so much Mark and hope your birthday is most delightful!


Markee said...

well make me cry why don't you! I love you Ash!

Chelsee said...

I loved those Jasmine shirts!;) nice post ash!

Race Davis said...

ya....its my room. and don't diss on the dashboard. but ya mark is ok.