
I'm It

My adorable, and practically famous cousin Alex over at It's A Love Story tagged me. I figure I oughta deliver. Is oughta even a word? Spell check doesn't think so, but my home town does. And so do I. So per Alex's request, here is my 2-part tag starting with the top 10 things that make me oh so happy.

Happiness To Me Is:
10. A clean house. See the previous post and the following before/after pictures...

during finals:

after finals: ahhhhhh

9. Being around family. Nobody gets you like family does. I always feel that my true laugh comes out around family and that all my other laughs aren't quite as genuine.

8. Being finished with this semester. It was such a relief to walk away from ASU campus today and not look back. For a whole month! Holler.

7. Skype. You see my very best friend and her baby live far away but with Skype I can be in their living room in seconds!

6. Screen shopping. It's like window shopping but online. I don't really buy anything, ever, just look.

5. Mail. Real mail. I love opening up the mailbox and finding something for me. It's like I really do exist if I get mail!

4. Mashed potatoes. This is my ultimate comfort food. When I'm down in the dumps, or not feeling well, or when I need to celebrate, I go for the mashed. Can't live with out them.

3. Really good photography.

2. Long scooter rides with my hair blowing in the wind. I love riding stuff, like horses, boats, riding in airplanes, but the scooter with C takes the cake.

1. C. Loving him takes no effort.

Now for part 2

A few honest facts about myself.

10. If I could go back and do everything all over again, I would major in something completely different, go to a very different college/university, and do a totally different song and dance. The only thing I wouldn't change about the last 3 years is falling in love and getting married.

9. I want to do/be about 10 million things when I grow up. Here are a few:
Plan weddings, big occasions, and parties.
Open a restaurant.
Run a book store.
Create my own clothing line.
Be an amazing photographer.
Be on Broadway.
Be famous for my hair.
Be an esthetician.

8. I have dreams. Big ones. In the next 2 years I want to graduate from ASU, pass my board exam, become a licensed music therapist, save enough money to buy children, lose 15 pounds and cut my hair like this;

7. I don't like my hair color. I wish it were A COLOR. I don't like that it's not black, or brown, or blonde. It's somewhere in between. And I know, I know, somebody wishes they had my color of hair.

6. I did most things when I was in high school because my brother Sherrod did them when he was in high school. Soccer. Show Choir. Rollerblading. Hurdles/track. Yep, I'm a poser. And a completely large fan of my brothers. All 4 of them.

5. I blog stalk. Bad. And sometimes it leaves me depressed because I see all of these amazing women with these big families, and the girls are skinny and beautiful, and they're crafty and their house is clean, and if I'm not careful I blog stalk my way into depression. Then I remember, people get to choose what they put on a blog. It's not reality. We only see what people want us to see on a blog. I'm guilty of it. Why do you think I never post pictures of my house or my stomach?! Because I don't want you to see my dirty house or my flubby stomach! Rant over.

4. When I go jogging my legs itch. Coll gets embarrassed because they itch so bad that I have no other choice than to stick my hand up the leg of my pants and scratch.

3. I think people with psychotic disorders are awesome. I love learning about them and what goes on in their brain. It's fascinating.

2. I've never read a single page of the Twilight series. Chances are, I will in about 5 years. But I just can't bring myself to jump on right now.

1. I'm chubby, none of my pants fit me anymore, my house is hardly ever clean, my car is even worse, we buy our furniture from Ikea and walmart and get most of our stuff from thrift stores, I honk loudly when I blow my nose, I'm average at all the things people think I'm good at, I only pretend to have any sense of style, I haven't been grocery shopping in 2 months, I shave my legs on average twice a month, I only teach dance because I teach 3-9 year olds who would never know I actually stink at dancing, I can't have children, I'm not always nice, sometimes I do the smallest thing possible for visiting teaching, I'm never organized, rarely on time, and I haven't had a good tan since I was 12. Why do I tell you all of this? Because this was an honesty tag, and I want all of you who read this to catch a glimpse of the real me, not the me I like to front on so many posts. Somebody who is TOTALLY imperfect. But somebody who is happy. Just to make any of you who might be feeling bad after a couple hours or blog stalking, and seeing beautiful, glamourous photos, here's a picture of me that should make you grateful for who you are! Enjoy.

I hereby tag just a few of my favorites:


Alexa Mae said...

Ash my darling, I knew this would be amazing. I LOVED it. You rock. And you are also crazy. You are super tiny and I ADORE your style. I loved loved your #1 on your honesty section. I'm going to do that soon. Seriously. I love you and you are amazing! Love Moi!

RoeH said...

Thank Heavens!! I was one of 'those' who thought you were perfect. :) And you're right. Most people ...99.9 % - there's always that .1% oddball - do not blog the 'real thing' they don't want people to know/see. That's why you'll never see a photo of me on any of mine. Nor any post that tells about the 'real me'. Yuk!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Ash can I just say that I LOVE UR STINKIN GUTS???!!!!!...last picture definitely made me lmao. Amazing.

Tassi Smith said...

Love your honesty. Can't wait to see you.

Matthew and Lindsey said...

Love the honesty post-makes me wish that everyone would post an honesty post :) Also glad to hear you blog stalk-who doesnt?

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

I adore you. And I wish I lived closer to you so we could hang out alot. We just might be moving closer this upcoming summer.. :)

Tyrell Berner said...

I shave my legs about twice a months too. Glad that there are at least 2 of us out there!!!

Markee said...

I fully enjoyed this post, until I got to the end and saw that you tagged me!! Really? But, I think I really am going to do it... Wow, Anyways loved the post you are a precious gem!!

Chantz H. Davis said...

Haven't been that entertained since Race's last letter! You rock!

Melanie said...

Hey Ashlee (this is Melanie Heap by the way) I just want to say that I LOVE you blog!!! It cheers me up! I totally know what you mean about getting depressed going blog stalking. Thanks for posting.

Whitney said...

you my dear are hysterical. Can I just tell you I totally blog stalk my way into depression too. And #1 of your honesty tag... I was checking them off as you went. You are not alone!

Lauri said...

Are you kidding me???!!! How can I compete with this post? This is seriously the best blog post I've read. EVER! I'm going to have to think about how honest I want to be. Give me a few days.

Lauri said...

Are you kidding me????!!!! How can I possibly compete with this? This is seriously the best blog post I've read. EVER! I'll have to think about how honest I want to be. Give me a few days.

Reed said...

Ashlee! I totally could have wrote half that list for you! haha jk. Long time no see/talk! You are great!

Laura Lofgreen said...

I'm so inspired by your fascination with psychotic people, and your ability to be honest and make me feel loved all at the same time. Wow. You are a wonderful girl, and you do have style, to the max!

Laura Lofgreen said...

I'm so inspired by your fascination with psychotic people, and your ability to be honest and make me feel loved all at the same time. Wow. You are a wonderful girl, and you do have style, to the max!