
Am I the only one who ever wishes they could go out in public like this?

When I am in the middle of a full blown break out, I'd rather go out in a full face mask than risk the embarrassment of somebody saying or thinking 1 of 2 things.

Either "Oh wow that poor teenager, hopefully she'll grow out of it someday" or "I thought people grew out of acne".

I don't know if I'd rather be the poor teenager or the still-have-acne adult.

They should call acne something more exciting and happy. Like pleasant polka dots or .... yeah I just sat there for a good 30 seconds trying to think of something else, realizing that the first wasn't even very good. Truth is, I'm exhausted. I shopped (my least, lEaSt, LEAST favorite thing in the world) all day long and I have a pizza face. So trying to be clever or funny isn't going to work tonight. But hopefully going to bed is. Merry Monday.


RoeH said...

Also, we are told lies when we were young that 'acne' goes away with age. Like it ... getting out of teenage years. It doesn't. Dang it.

Anonymous said...

welcome to my life.

have you ever tried scrubbing your face with baking soda? it works...

Mamma Martin said...

You are beautiful regardless!!

Lauri said...

You could try to grow a beard...but then that would bring on a whole new set of issues.

Whitney said...

Oh honey I feel ya. I keep hoping one day my face will catch on that Im not in my teens anymore. It hasnt yet.