

My lovely sis inlaw tagged me so I shall continue the process:

 things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. Getting my driver license
2. Singing and dancing in Show Choir
3. Starting the second semester of my sophomore year of high school
4. Probably going on tour
5. Getting my first kiss

5 Things on my to do list today:
1. Pack
2. Get a blessing from my daddy
3. Drive back to Mesa
4. Make sure my backpack is packed for school tomorrow (yes I totally pack my bag the night before!)
5. Tell Coll I love him 1,000 more times

5 Things I would do with a million dollars:
1. Buy a home
2. Buy a baby :)
3. Pay off my parent's house and send them on a mission
4. Get a 2nd car for our family
5. Find some people that could use some cash and give it to them

5 Places I have lived: I have lived in only four places. I am okay staying put for now.
1. Mesa,AZ (pool house)
2. Palmyra, NY
3. Eagar, AZ
4. Mesa, AZ (Apt. on Mckellips)
5. I've only lived in 4 places...

5 Jobs I have held:
1. Apache County Road Yard
2. Molly Buttler's
3. Blue Bird Cafe
4. Mountain America Credit Union
5. Teaching dance, voice, and piano

5 things I want to be doing in 5 Years:
1. Raising children
2. Living each day with a grateful heart that school is over for Collin and me
3. Living in our own home
4. Mastering sewing, gardening, cooking, photography, archery,  and interior design
5. Serving faithfully in the church with my husband

5 people I tag:


Sarah said...


Paul and Celeste Johnson said...

Ashlee! I LOVE your guys new pictures, they are beautiful!

Markee said...

I loved the tag!!! I love that you even put Flo on there... I really hope you don't call anyone else flo!! I miss you guys!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey.... I wanted to hear about Collin's graduation, but nothing came up! : (