Collin is graduating and I figure if you're reading my blog, you might care. So if you do care then click on the picture and blow that sucker up to get all the details. We're very excited and would love for you to come celebrate with us. If you think you might be joining us just leave a little comment so we can get an idea of how many to plan for. Woo hoo for school being over!

I like being the first to comment and yes, we do care!!!! But I couldn't get the picture to do anything. I know I am challenged so help me out!!
Ashley! Your blog is so cute! Looks like you guys are so happy, I hope is going great for the both of you!
Ash, I can't get it to blow up either. Way to go collin! Such a huge accomplishment!
"There are moments you dream of all your life. There are moments you wait for and dream of all your life; this is one of those moments"--Yentl How exciting for Collin and you... Congratulations on this momentous occasion!!!!!!!
Oops, my bad... That should say, "There are moments you REMEMBER all your life."
Well, I'm happy to say, that I could get the invitation to blow up! How about that? I'd also like to say that if we lived in AZ we would for gosh darn sure be there, but since we live in the beautiful lush green state of Missouri, we won't be there. But, we will be thinking of you and want you to know we're both happy for you and proud (er, I mean, well pleased) for you. Now, I just have one more question---is that really how you spell 12th, or is it twelvth? Neither one look right, so, I'm stumped! I don't know, U. Bob, do you?
way to go collin....maybe you guys should celebrate by going to lake powell. collin....powell.....collin powell.
i'll stop.
love to be there! I'll call ya for directions! Miss ya!
We'd be there if we could...congrats Collin!
Collin, we are so proud of you and can't wait until you are famous! Wish we could be there too but probably won't be able to make it! But we think you are amazingly talented. Good Job!
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