My Aunt Lena used to say that if you took all of her daughters' hair and put it on one head it still wouldn't be as much as the hair that's on my head. I have a full blown mop, sometimes known as a mane, other times female Kramer, afro, etc. It takes a lot of work to tame my hair and at times it gets SO frustrating trying to make it manageable. I've always complained about my horses tail of hair and how hard it is to deal with. But on Sunday I became very grateful that I have lots of hair. I was curling my hair (something I rarely do but we were speaking in church and I wanted to look extra presentable) and I had a strand wrapped around the curling iron I've used many times, when I started to smell something burning. I wasn't sure what it was and I had my straightener plugged in as well as things going in the kitchen so I didn't think much of it. Then, the smell got worse AND WORSE so I pulled the curling iron away from my head to let the curl loose and in stead of the curl falling lightly into place, it fell OFF MY HEAD!!! The curling iron had burned my hair completely off. It looked like frayed rope and it smelled horrid! So, I searched frantically to look at the spot where the hair had come from and hair just kept falling out! But luckily nobody would ever notice because the rest of my mane hides it well! I think I could sue.
Sweet & Savory
1 week ago
What fell off of your head, is more than I have on mine. It's true! Markee tried to fix mine one time---ask her about it. All she could say was "This is trech!"
The photos make it more real than just hearing about it! Wow! I see the burnt parts and can only imagine the smell. It's time for a new curling iron.
Ashley! Check your e-mail, I need your help! :)
Ash, that had to HURT! Glad you have enough to spare though!
You poor thing!! I can't believe that! But it is quite a story to tell...
Now, bless everyone's heart, but getting your hair burned doesn't hurt. In fact, if you think about it, haircuts are actually quite painless. Bless your hearts.
For anyone who's wondering, I believe that last comment was from either Father Bob or Brother Bryan...NOT Mamma Martin!
Bless YOUR heart, Bryan!!!!
i am laughing straight out loud, not at the hair situation just all the comments. you people crack me up.
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