I write this post because I enjoyed something tonight in pure guilt knowing that there are those of you out there who do not know of this pleasure of which I speak. You see, I didn't have dinner tonight because I was still full from lunch, and it wasn't until now (9:45pm) that I finally got hungry. Now, I know very well that I should have had a drink of water and gone to bed, but I had a craving I couldn't deny. So, I turned the A/C from 75 to 69, made me a cup of hot cocoa and 4, believe it, 4 pieces of toast! Toast and cocoa....speaks to my soul.
6 days ago
Sweetie, I had no idea! I'm glad you got to fill your tummy. I love you.
I hear ya sister. I grew up on hot chocolate and toast all year round. I have a really funny story about toast and hot chocolate. Someday I will tell you.
There isn't anything better than dipping toast in cocoa!! Especially homemade bread! I've been eating a lot of toast and cocoa too! Gotta love it!
Let's get honest! Is there anything better than toast and cocoa??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!
I'm also a fan!!! But in the valley, in the summer? I think not!!! In the winter, in Missouri, every morning, but homemade bread is a must!
Love ya,
A. Tina
Go for it, sis!!
My soul hears ya Ash!
now I know that you are related to devon - on sunday for father's day all he wanted was toast - i think he and the twins went through an entire loaf of bread! you are too cute - i especially like that you turned down the temp in your house to make it more enjoyable! :)
Ash.....I still cannot believe you are all grown up and married. I know, it gets old hearing stuff like that. But,,,,Just wanted to say hi and I think you look amazing and happy! :)
hey! yeah, i'm usually home untill 10:30, then I'm off to work. you are too nice, come by any time! we would love to have you, oh and i get home at like 5:30. so any time around then. thanks ashlee
I have always been a fan never feel guilty for that!,its one of my favorite memories, my grandma walker made the best homemade bread/toast ever. she started us early on toast and chocolate milk ( thats for us hot valley dwellers) our favorite when we spent the night at her house. one of those special things between grandmas and grandkids,it was always our special little thing she would ask "what do you want for breakfast/or late night snack?" toast and chocolate milk.umm that is a good feeling.
thanks ashlee for stirring that memory. love ya.
So funny that you write this. You are definitly Sherrod's sister. The other day at the store he bought hot chocolate mix and it was like 90 degrees outside... that night he had cocoa and toast and he does it every other morning now. you guys are a lot alike!
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