A- Attached or single: Attached, 1 year in August.ABC Tag...
B- Best Friend: Colly
C-Cake or Pie: Blueberry Pie from Molly's
D-Day: Sunday, Collin doesn't do homework.
E- Essential Item: Sun glasses. It's bright out there!
F- Favorite Color: I've always liked blue.
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: I like worms....with ketchup:)
H-Home town: Eagar, AZ
I- Indulgences: Law and Order, long baths, soaking in bed when I know I should be up.
J- January or July?: January if in Mesa, July if in Eagar!
K-Kids: Not yet.
L-Life is incomplete without: My husband, my family, cookies, ice cream, and smiles fruit snack.
M- Marriage Date: 8-10-07
N- Number of Siblings: 4, all boys!
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges by a hair.
P- Phobias or Fears: Getting sick....it makes me really anxious!
Q- Quote: "Don't let a text book get in the way of your education." -Grandpa Sherwood
R- Reason To Smile: School's almost over!
S- Season: Winter, it's always such a romantic feeling to need Collin to warm me up!
T- Tag Three: Sarah, and Jan
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I hope to own a small boutique some day with my own clothes inside.
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Oh heavens, meat is to die for (get it?) lol.
W- Worst Habit: I HATE doing the dishes, so I don't.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I hate both, it means there's potentially something wrong.
Y-Your favorite food: POssibly popsicles
Z: Zodiac Sign: Libra
6 days ago
Awesome Ash! Love that quote from Grandpa Sherwood, he's is so smart and he learned most of it without textbooks didn't he?
You are so cute Ash... I am glad I am not the only one that hates doing dishes... OH and laundry for me! Miss you guys!
I almost stopped reading after the gummy worms and ketchup! Come on Ash!
I'm assuming you like to soak in the tub and sleep in bed... not soak in the bed. But maybe you know something I don't know about how that can be so fun :)
Hey Ash, It's Chelsea (Montgomery) Bawden. I was looking all over and i found your guys blog, i added you to mine, hope that's okay. Can't wait to see you guys and play! Love ya sis!
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