Our cousins James and Carol came to Payson and so we had a family get together this weekend and it was so great! I really love my family. We rode up with Bryan and Karen, and on the way back we went around the car talking about all of our family members and the great things about them and it was just a great reminder of how blessed we are to have such a wonderful family! Aunt Kitty has been one of my heroes my whole life. Though physically I look down to her (she's so cute!) in every other way I look up to her so much. She is genealogy genius and she has so much wisdom and love, and I am always better when I leave being with her. James and Carol! Oh, what can I say. Every time I am with them I recommit to move to Texas at some point in my life just to be closer to them. James can make me laugh in an instant! And his belief in God is miraculous. It just makes me want to be better. Carol, is one of my favorite people in the entire world. She is without a doubt the most honest woman I know, in everything she does, and she never has an unkind word to say. I look up to her so much. I could go on and on about each member of my family, but I would run out of time and room! I just love them all.
My parents came down the day before we went to Payson and we went to dinner and got to hang out. I LOVE them. and I LOVE being with them and they are my favorite people in the world!! What a fabulous weekend.
Sundays are my favorite. We got to chill with our Smith fam. They are so great! We played games and ate yummy food, and just did normal Sunday stuff, but it always is such a treat to be with them! I love them so much.
I just feel like I need to say that The Lord loves us, and He wants to bless us. We have been blessed beyond belief lately, and I feel it important to share with whomever reads this my knowledge of a living Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ who take care of us. How grateful I am for that knowledge.

It took us a while to finally get ready for the picture! We just couldn't stop catching up!

We finally got it, but Aunt Kitty's not in this one because she's taking the picture. :(
hey ashlee, haha your comment cracks me up. I remember hearing about the Snowflake/Round Valley game from 8th grade... It was all misti :) I didnt do a thing. I was home really sick that game. But really I do remember hearing about that, I didnt know it was you who was throwing the punches? hahaha;)
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