
I now present to you; Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Martin

Yay!!! Here are a few pictures that Collin took of Bryan and Karen's wedding. We are so excited for them, and are so excited to have Karen in our family. What a blessing all of this marriage stuff is! There was so much family there supporting them and it was just a beautiful event!

These are my favorite pictures of Brew because you could just tell he was looking at Karen! So sweet!

Aren't they a good lookin' couple?!
Her flowers were gorgeous! 

Yay!!! Here are a few pictures that Collin took of Bryan and Karen's wedding. We are so excited for them, and are so excited to have Karen in our family. What a blessing all of this marriage stuff is! There was so much family there supporting them and it was just a beautiful event!


Chelsee said...

I am litterally wiping tears from my eyes! I wish I could have been there. Bryan looks so happy and Karen is absolutely beautiful!

Martin Messages said...

We certainly do love Karen. I have never seen someone so happy in my life. I think he thought this day would never come. They are PERFECT for eachother!!!

Markee said...

The pictures are great!! I love that he looks so happy!! Good for them!!

Devon and Brooke said...

Ashlee - it's brooke...those pictures are beautiful! looks like such a wonderful day! your trip to new york looks like tons of fun! love you!