Sarah tagged me and I am it...
1. What is his name? Collin Glenn Smith
2. How long have you been married? 6 months and a couple weeks
3. How long did you date? 2 months, engaged for a little over 2 months
4. Who eats more sweets? I would say it's about equal. We eat icecream like 5 times a week!
5. Who said “I love you“ first? Collin, and through everything we've been through so far, that has been my favorite memory! We were kissin', :) and he stopped and looked at me and said, "Ashlee, I don't know how it could happen so fast, but I love you!" i melted! It was like 2 in the morning and as soon as he left I called Markee! I totally woke her up, but she was so happy for me and it was great!
6. Who is taller? Coll by 7 or 8 inches
7. Who can sing better? I like to sing more, but Collin can sing equally as good, he just doesn't give himself the credit!
8.Who is smarter? Depends about what....he's smart enough to know that I'm always right though!
9. Who does the laundry? I do
10. Who pays the bills? He makes the money, I give it to people
11.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Coll because it's closest to the door.
12. Who cooks dinner? I do.
13. Who drives? He does unless he's very tired.
14. Who is more stubborn? Depends, but probably me...:)
15. Who kissed who first? Coll kissed me first, but I did kiss back! Funny thing though, he was so nervous that he came in REALLY fast and it kind of hurt! Haha
16. Who asked out who first? The ward asked us out for each other! It's quite that story, and a tough embarrassing!
17. Who proposed? Collin of course, and it was so great! I do have to say that I was expecting it, but he made it so romantic! He said, "I was wondering if you'd marry me" Hahaha cute!
18. Who wears the pants? Depends on the issue for sure....I get my way a lot just because he is a very humble man, but that could still mean he wears the pants and just let's me have some power occasionally!
1 week ago
You two are such a cute couple Ash!
Hi Ash,
It's A. Tina. I still can't get on Sherrod and Sara's blog. Does this mean they don't want me to, or that you never gave them my message? HMMMM. I'm going to hope that you didn't give them my message. Would you relay to them, that I'd like to get on so I can keep up with their family also. I think it's so fun to see what all the nieces and nephews are up to. Hope all is well with you.
Love ya,
A. Tina
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