
Start Spreading The News...

So, for the few days before I left to meet Collin in New York, Frank Sinatra's song "New York, New York" was constantly sounding in my head, "Start spreadin' the news...". And after our trip, the same song was in my head, only a different part of the song, "If I can make it there, I'll make is anywhere". Oh how true that feels! It was a marvelous trip, and I really loved it, but it was crazy! And I know that if I can do that, I can do anything! Haha...anyway...the trip was phenomenal. I'll just give a quick re-play...

Sunday morning:
Plane lands
Wait 2 hours
Collin arrives
Take the Subway into the city
Go to church
Run into our cousins Eleece and Cortne (def. a highlight!)
Go back to the hotel and chill

Toy Fair
Toy Fair
Toy Fair
Dinner in Time Square to celebrate Valentine's Day

Ice Skating in Central Park
Kiss on top of the Empire State Building
Lunch at Wendy's (original, I know)
Take Subway to airport
Fly home
Nice brother (Bryan) picks us up from the airport

All in all, the trip was a great time, and it was fun to make more memories with Coll. I'm grateful to have been able to go. I'll post pictures next! 


Tassi Smith said...

Oh, I am so jealous. Brandon and I have not been back since our honeymoon. We love New York. I'm glad you two had a wonderful time.

Sarah said...

ok you are cute. SO fun!!! what a cool little adventure!