Part 1 of the Nut Shell
Collin left on Sunday night for Florida. He had to go out there for a trade show with the company he's been working for. Needless to say I was not thrilled about him going, and I actually had some serious anxiety going on for weeks and weeks before he left, so the night he left was horrendous! Anyway, with the help of a Priesthood Blessing, Collin's sweet family, Markee and my mom answering the phone every five minutes when I'd call crying, and prayer, I made it through!! So...with Collin gone we've been chatting a lot on the phone, and the other day he called me with some fun news!! Part 2 of the Nut Shell
So as your may know from a previous post of two, Collin invented/designed/built a bath dam for a school project. Part of the school project was entering the dam into a national student design competition. Sooo...he called me and said that (months later) he had been contacted by the competition and they informed him that he won Honorable Mention. They have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and then HM. They had two people win 1st, 2nd and 3rd and then 10 win HM. So he is one of 16 enterers to win something in an international competition! I am so proud of him! He wins money, and a place in a design show where thousands of marketers and designers come looking for ideas and whatnot, so he gets a spot in the show in March which is in Chicago! We're very excited, and feel very, very blessed!
Part 3 of the Nut Shell
A long time ago, Collin decided that he wanted to be a designer, and specifically a toy designer! So a few months ago, he found out that the international toy fair is in the US this year and he's been wanting to go SO badly, but the tickets are extremely expensive and the show is in NYC so the travel and everything is also not cheap. So it was the kind of thing where he'd look at the website every day and yearn for it like a little kid, but knew not to say anything cuz there was just no way! So, he went to his interview with Boon, and while he was there they told him they had 2 tickets to this toy fair and he could have them! So just a couple days before he left me for a week, he came home and half asked, half announced that we were going to NYC! So, tonight, I'm flying out to NYC to meet him there, he's going to fly there from Florida and we're going to spend a couple days in NYC! It really hasn't sunk in yet, because it's all happened so quickly, but we are so excited and appreciative to all of you who have helped us find hotels and things to do, etc. We're kind of hoping they'll still have the big heart up on the Empire State Building like on Sleepless in Seattle!
Part 4 of the Nut Shell
This part is less of a story and more of a thank you. This week had potential to be a major disaster full of tears and anxiety attacks! But the Smiths have taken me in and fed me, and let me sleep in their house every night, and kept my mind off of things, and been interested in my activities, and it has been a great week. So I need to thank them, all those people in the big house, for taking care of me this week! I love you all!
Collin is so talented isn't he? How fun to go to NYC!!!! Have so much fun and take lots of pics.
Way to go Collin! Poor you, the very first week Richie and I were married he went hunting for five days!! I just wanted to peek in on you and say hi!
I hope Collin makes millions designing toys for my little Lowee!!! I will buy them!!!
It must run in the family, I am always a mess when Daniel leaves. You have to take tons of pics in NYC so we can all see. Have fun!
I'm glad you love our Collie so much Ashlee. I'm so proud of him. I wish I knew how to help you last week too. We love you!
I completely understand the separation anxiety. Family is great to have near when you feel this way.
Collin nice work. I want one of those bath dams. So if you could give the design to Matt I am sure he could make it for me. haha. Ash I am glad you survived without collin this week. I wouldn't wanted to have to tell my children that they no longer had a aunt ash. That would have been devastating. Love you! See you in a few weeks. Dorothy is counting down to the sleep over.
HELLO! This is Kate (Denhalter) Lines! I just came across your blog and wanted to say hi, what up with you girl?
SO I take it you are alive. Good Work Ash. How was the big apple... details please!!! We are so happy to be coming home soon! We can do dinner sometime and stuff. so fun.
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