
Fingers Crossed...

So, I married a very adventurous man, which is a blessing because I have no adventure in me (thank you Mom) and so we kind of even each other out. Collin's adventurous side, example #1. he would LOVE to get his masters out of the country, preferably in India. example #2. he would LOVE to do his internship this summer at a firm large enough to create a name for himself, and there is only one in Arizona so he's hoping to venture out into the NYC world, or possibly somewhere else. All of this is comes with a lot of excitement AND a lot of anxiety! I mentioned that there is only one firm in Arizona that would be able to give him what he needs/wants out of an internship and yesterday he interviewed with them!! For those of you with kids, the firm is the designer of the Frog Pod, and lots of other cool kids stuff! His interview went REALLY well, and he will know on Friday the outcome. If he gets it, this means a hot summer in AZ but it also means a safe summer in not the Bronx! We're so excited and hopeful and prayerful that he will get this job! 


Markee said...

Oh my gosh that is sooo exciting!!! Good luck, we will keep him in our prayers!!

Tina said...

Hi Ash, it's A. Tina. How come no one told me you'd been excepted into the Music Therapy program? It's a good thing I'm learning about this blog stuff. Congrats!