
Collin's sick...:(

I have had a sick husband these last few days. :( His boss has the flu and I think he's now passed it on to Collin. He went from my normal, happy Collin...

to a sad, sick Collin all within about 12 hours...
So, I decided to make him some homemade soup and bread...the soup turned out fine. The bread however, was my first ever attempt. I don't have a mixer so I resorted to the good ol' wooden spoon! It looks awful but it didn't taste half bad!


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

OK- POOR Collin first of all. Good Job nursing him back to health! AWESOME bread making skills Ash! i am so proud of you. We hope he gets better soon. Being sick is NO fun.

Sarah said...

oh and yes the deleted comments are from me. IDIOT.. i know. Currently on Codine cough syrup- I should NOT be able to use a computer while under the influence.

Elder Ethan Coleman said...

What a great wife you are. It is good to know Collin is in loving and capable hands.

Kates said...

Boys are helpless when they are sick!!! Good thing he has you!

Markee said...

I think your bread looks great ash! nice work! The top picture of Collin almost make me wet myself! so funny!! Hope you get better soon Collin!

Rylee said...

That bread looks awesome Ash

Chelsee said...

I have tried to make bread and failed A LOT! yours looks much better than mine.

Chantz H. Davis said...

Ash! Way to go on the bread! Looks absolutely fabulous! And New York with no kids???? I say GO FOR IT!!!!! Hope Collin gets better soon!
Aunt Lena