
Old Habits....A Bit Sticky


In high school, every time I'd kiss a boy, I would put the gum I was chewing during the kiss on a wall in my bedroom. Disgusting, I know! So, I didn't start kissing boys til I was 16. I am now 20. As a result, there has been gross kissing gum on my bedroom wall, some for 4 years. This weekend, Coll and I took a trip up to Eagar to see new baby Macklee and my mom finally laid it down. She made me take down all of the pictures with boys in my room, all of the signs from friends around my room, wash the mirror that had eye-liner reminders, and yes, she had me remove the sticky, 4 year old gum from my wall. It wasn't like I was sad or anything to do it, we just always stay in the other room so I had kind of forgotten, and when she reminded me, I hopped to. IT WAS A MESS! The whole wall came with each piece of gum! Oooops...my mom said, "Maybe "we" should have thought about this before "we" did this....I'm still not sure if she was referring to the gum on the wall, or the kissing boys! YUCK!


Markee said...

Oh my gosh I'm dying!!!!! totally remember those days, I'm glad they are finally gone and the gum too!!

Rylee said...

okay so far, these past two posts have made me a bit nauseous! you are hillarious ash.

Crystal Star said...

This is hillarious! I love you Ashlee- we would have been great friends if we went to school together.

Kates said...

Ash-ta-dod, that is all I have to say!