
Ode To Grandma Sherwood...

"Waste not want not". If you've never heard that phrase you've never been around a true Sherwood, or the offspring of a true Sherwood. For that, in and of itself, is the motto we live by, thrive on, and will die saying. Even if we're not true believers, we're true followers of the saying. Grandma Sherwood NEVER, EVER, EVER threw anything away. She'd wait it out a few days and see if anyone would eat it, if not, she'd give it to the cats, if not she'd put it in the freezer for another day....such was the fate and destiny of the meatballs in this photo. She made meatballs, froze them for later, got them out, and then gave them to my mom, who froze them, saved them for later, forgot about them, and this weekend got them out...after only 5 long years. Though this is funny to some, and probably disgusting to all, it is sentimental to me! These meatballs really represent the true Sherwood in us all, and the true Sherwood in Grandma and Aunt Tonna, my mom, in particular. Grandma would be proud! 


Markee said...

OH MY WORD!!! That is the most amazing, disgusting thing ever!! haha so true that grandma would be proud though! Go Aunt Tonna!

Rylee said...

That is pretty sick! There comes a time, when food is rotten that its OK to just chuck it!!! I have a hard time throwing stuff away too though! Sometimes, when I throw good food away that I know just won't get eaten, I do it really fast, so that Gma can't see!!! hahaha

Kates said...

Oh dear, Aunt Tonna needs a lesson from me. I don't know why I did't get that gene??? I chuck everything! Probably not the best habbit for me to have, but I just don't like junk, or 5 year old food! HA HA, this is classic! At first glance I thought this picture was a bowl of barf! LOL

Martin Messages said...

That has to be the funniest thing i have ever seen. The thing that makes it more funny is the fact that if Ashlee and Collin wouldn't have been there mom probably would have heated them up for dad, or at least given them to the missionaries. LOL This little story has helped me to understand why we weren't sick as children. We made sure that our immune systems were in tip top shape. Love you GMa.