
Good Times Never Seemed So Good

Did you know that on my phone, while writing a text, using T9, my phone recognizes the word Tempe, but not Mesa? I have to individually type each letter of Mesa, but it picks up Tempe with no problem. Must be a sign, that we were supposed to move here. Yes I recognize that I just blamed my being happy with our move on text messaging. Text is a huge part of my life. It's undeniably true. Tempe has been good to us thus far. Living here has done things to me. For instance I've started listening to a new Pandora station which is entitled 'Michael Buble and Neil Diamond'. DELICIOUS!! When your front yard looks like this you have to listen to Neil. Sweet Caroline to be specific.

Other changes include an overwhelming desire to start my Christmas music. I know it's only June. I promise, I do know that. But ocassionally on my new Pandora station, a Nat King Cole song will come on and even though he's saying the words "unforgetable" over and over and over, all I hear him saying is "pa rum pa pum pum". I will do my best to refrain from putting up our Christmas tree.

Speaking of decorating, moving has made me bipolar. Not in the medical sense because in the medical sense bipolar is a term that actually means changing from intense elation to intense depression at the drop of a hat. That's not what I have. I have changing my mind disorder, which is the definition for the slang version of bipolar. Just throwing that out there. Confused? Me too. Here's an example. Remember when we moved into this little 1943 house? And we were certain that we needed to keep the old, vintage feeling going, so we decorated like this:

Well, after a fight with depression over the hopelessly blah wall color, we ditched the vintage and welcomed the modern/Ikea/retro/whotheheckknows/stillnotthatgreat look. It will most likely not look this way tomorrow, so I figured I'd document what it looks like today:

We are in love with Tempe. The people on bikes. The people walking their dogs. The political protests. The yards. Our neighbors. The quiet day times. The trains. We love it. Please come visit.

P.S. Go USA!!!


Collin said...

I love Neil Diamond

Rylee said...

going to see michael buble in concert in 2 months!! woot woot. love your house. i want my front yard to look like that someday.

Tassi Smith said...

I can't wait to see the new home and the both of you. Maybe we should do a photo shoot of the both of you at the new house.

Kylee and Dustin said...

I like the new arrangement. Makes that front room look bigger, I think.

Kates said...

I so want to come visit, it is a precious little house just like the 2 of you! Can't wait to see you at the 4th! I hope??

Hi Lary said...

I was listening to Sweet Caroline right when I went to check your blog! Doesn't get much better than Neil! Your new house sounds amazing! Yay for you guys! :)

Tyrell Berner said...

You are so funny! I have decorating A.D.D. too! Stuff is always changing. Glad you like your new place.

Alexa Mae said...

I love you ash. i love when you do a new post. and i would love to come visit. what a charming abode you have there! its adorable. can't WAIT to see you!

Chantz H. Davis said...

The other night your dad said you had a way of putting words together that paint a picture. I totally agree. When I read you blog I can also actually hear your voice saying the things I am reading! You are a hoot Ashlee and I love your house, your blog, your yard, your husband and YOU!

Chelsea said...

you have such cute furniture!