
Little Thank Yous

One of my favorite blogs to read does a little something called "little letters" every now and then. The writer publishes little letters to different things that have affected her throughout the day. Here's an example. Today I am feeling overwhelmed, in a good way, and I want to get some of that overwhelmedness out, so here's my attemp:

Little Thank Yous

Dear car,
Thank you for having a heater. It made going to take my final at 6:45 this morning bareable.

Dear sisters-inlaw,
Sometimes I feel bad for you. I think when you find amazing men (like my brothers) to marry, you expect that their sister would be at least half as cool, but the truth is that sometimes I'm way less than half as cool. More like 2% as cool. And today as I was thinking about how grateful I am for all of you I realized that you have all pretty much had to watch me, or still are watching me, grow up. You've dealt with me saying insensitive things that I didn't even know I was saying. You've dealt with me being obsessed with my brothers and calling or texting them non-stop. Some of you've dealt with me being snotty and 16, and know-it-all and 18, or somewhere before or after that. And the truth is that sometimes I plain ol' stink. But you love me, and you've become some of my very best friends. So thank you. For not disowning me and banning me from all family functions, as you probably should have.

Dear mamma,
Thanks for praying hard for me. I felt your prayers during my final. I think I passed. :)

Dear mamma in-law,
Thank you for being willing to drop anything and help me. You saved the day 3 days in a row with our RS meeting, C's birthday, and yet again feeding me on dance night.

Dear C's family,
How did I get so lucky? I love you all so much. Thank you for accepting me.

Dear Daddy,
Thank you for telling me the story of "The Three Bears" a billion times each night when I was a little girl.

Dear Markee,
Thanks for making time for me each day. Even being a billion miles apart.

Dear C,
Happy birthday. It comes as no surprise to me that your birthday falls right in the middle of the happiest time of the year. You make me happy. And I love you. Thank you for ALWAYS making me feel like a princess.

Dear radio,
Thank you for playing this clip as I drove home from school today. Having just finished my scariest final, I finally felt relieved and stress-less enough to truly listen to the words. And I cried.

Dear Christmas,
Thank you for coming, and for coming so quickly this year. You make everything wonderful.

I am so thankful for this season, and for my Savior. He is the reason things are so good.


Karen Martin said...

It's more like 3.5%. Don't short yourself.


Karen Martin said...

Dear Ashlee,
Don't listen to Bryan. I, as the official spokes person for the sister-in-laws, am telling you that you are so cool.

p.s. For the record, I now think that it is precious that you and your bro text nonstop.

Mamma Martin said...

Wow!! And I'm so thankful for you!! And---Happy Birthday to Collin--The basketball tournament doesn't give me much time to do anything but cook and wash dishes!! I hope your day was super, Collin. We are so grateful you are part of our family. Thanks for making Ashlee so happy!!

Whitney said...

Dear AShlee, Thank you for being you. You are my favorite. Absolute favorite. Next weekend, what are you doing? we need to date. the 4 of us.