
We're learning

Now she can't bite our hair and necks...


Brandon Smith said...

Why are all your pictures of the poolhouse backwards?

Anonymous said...

hey ashlee! this is your cousin, becky hamblin. (: your blog's adorable! love the bird- sitting! ha ha! hope you're doing good!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! perfectamundo.

(we had so much fun tonight, thanks for the yummy cookie.)

Markee said...

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! Good thinkin you guys are smart!!! I cannot stop laughing, I may wet my pants at any moment!! Nash is looking at me wondering what has happened to his mom!! You guys are the best!!!

Tyrell Berner said...

You guys crack me up!

Mamma Martin said...

I am completely hysterical--tears and all!!!

Kates said...

I am at my moms and Chelsee, my mom and I have all been laughing our heads off today at this picture. You guys are a crack up!

Whitney said...

HA HA HA! Have I mentioned I love you guys? Cause I do.