Today I consider the past 10 days:
Collin graduated from college; I am so proud of him
(Our camera's flash broke so with dimmed lights in the stadium and no flash I got a bunch of blurry pictures, please excuse)

Collin also finished his final project; anyone need a stellar apron designed by an official Industrial Designer?

I finished my semester with high enough grades to keep my scholarship; always a day of gratitude when/if that happens
My parents and a brother and sister came to visit; things are always better with Mom around to make things run smoother, Dad around to keep us laughing, Sarah around to pitch in and help and Dub around to hook us up with sweet convertible rides
(I know the pictures are virtually the same but one has Bryan and one has my mother in law and I think they're both very important. I don't know where Sherrod was at this point.I love my daddy's smile.)
We got to spend lots of time with in-town family; even though Bryan and Karen live so close we never see them enough and any time with the Smiths is a good time
I auditioned for a show and made call backs; it felt SO good to be in that atmosphere again, no matter where I am in life the stage will always feel like home
I successfully (depending on your definition of the word successful) made Collin a quilt; that was the project that made me feel a little closer to my grandma, I don't know if she'd be pleased with the finished product (it's kind of a disaster) but I know she'd be proud I tried

We got to take some youth to the Randolff House which is a home for severely handicapped people; I was grateful to be able to remember some of my sign language and even more grateful to see the youth in that element. They came alive and communicated with those sweet people spirit to spirit
Being busy these past days has felt so good; but school being over and having a little time to not be as busy has also felt amazing.
Mosiah 7:12 "... I am very thankful before God this day that I am yet alive..."
Way to go Collin. I picked you out even in a sea of ASU red. We will come watch you in your play, Ashlee. I think the quilt looks great. I'm glad you are here for Bryan and Karen. Oh,.....Collin, that apron scares me a little. Maybe you should clarify what it is used for.
Don't worry Collin, I will explain your apron to the poor woman who commented above. Yea for being busy but YEA for getting a little break. Let's hang out this summer!
i like you.
(just thought you should know.)
Are you kidding me? That quilt was gorgeous. You can make me one of those quilts any day of the week!
Merrilee, I am still laughing!! Ash,I am so glad you finally updated. It was so fun to be there with all of you. Collin, we are so proud of you!!! Way to go!
The quilt looks awesome and the apron is awesome too. I need some explaining as well though.
You are so incredibly talented... Funny how some people get all the talents, and... Hey, check my blog, I put something on there for you.
Congratulations to you guys for your husband's graduation!
The quilt looks AWESOME!
I am Lauren, by the way :) I run a foolish blog.
Congrats to you both!!! It takes two to tango and to graduate!!!
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