
Our Weekend

Friday night Collin and I got to eat dinner with Ky in the big house and we fed the missionaries. It's always such fun to feed them. They're good boys. Then, directly after the missionaries left, Collin fell asleep (keep in mind this was around 6:30p.m.) and he didn't wake up until Saturday! I'll admit I was a little bummed that our Friday night was spent that way, but early in the week Coll had asked me on a date and so I was looking forward to Saturday! And it was well worth the wait, and the going to bed so early on Friday! He took me to Ned's (an awesome sub sandwich place down the street), and we put our sandwiches in a picnic basket, then we strapped the basket to the back of the scooter, and headed to Walmart. When we got there, we went inside and bought a few treats, some bait, some hooks, and two fishing polls and then we strapped them to the picnic basket! Then, we headed to the river! We had some trouble actually making it to the river because of a block on the normal road we take, so we had to take the long way! But it was SO fun! These are a couple shots of us and the scooter. After we left the river we met Mark at the mall, then we came home and Collin helped me clean for Sunday and that was that! It was such a great weekend! 

I chose these pictures because they're equally as funny! First of all, since we didn't have a 3rd party to take a picture of us together, and we had to take pictures of each other, you'd think we'd at least be creative enough to take the pictures in different scenes! But no! The exact same photo, just with a different person! The picture of him cracks me up, because even after 12 1/2 hours of sleep the night before, he was still exhausted! And the picture of me cracks me up because the seat (especially from far away) looks like a part of my belly and it looks so awkward! 


Sarah said...

I love your scooter! How fun to go to the river... I miss that place. It had to have been hot!

Tassi Smith said...

When did you get a scooter? Looks like a lot of fun.

Rylee said...

How fun Ash, what a nice (and tired) hubby.

Chantz H. Davis said...

Looks/sounds like you guys had a ball and let's get honest ..... scooters are the best. remember the first time you tried riding mine in your drive way??? YIKES!
Love ya!

Elder Ethan Coleman said...

No wonder Colly is so tired, look at those beer bottles sitting in on the table in front of him! :-) Looks like fun. Good for you guys for taking some down time!

Chelsee said...

I can just picture the two of you, the scooter and the picnic basket. You make me laugh! :)