
Just so ya know....

This post is for people like my mom, Markee and Eric, my piano students, and my home teachers! One might ask what these people have in common. Well, I'll tell you; these are dear people in my life who have reason to believe that I don't have a clean house. Heart-breaking, I know! So, here are pictures that I would like each of you to take a look at, BEFORE you come to my house, just in case you catch me on a bad day, so you can remember that sometimes, my house is clean!!! 


Brandon Smith said...

Looks a lot better than when I live there.

Tassi Smith said...

That is funny. I was just going to say the pool house has never looked better since I have been around.

Chantz H. Davis said...

Ash, A clean house is a sign of a sick mind I say! You're the best!
Aunt Lena