
What's been goin' down in Smith town...

Well, we've had a fun and exciting couple of weeks, or week and a half-ish! A couple weeks ago, our bishop asked us (us = Mamma and Papa Smith, Dustin, Kylee, Sydney, and Anderson Smith, and Collin and me) to do a mock/trial run of a situation in which one would need a 72 hour kit. So we started last Saturday night and went til last Tuesday and lived without running water and without electricity. We learned so much, and are now way better prepared to handle a real disaster if anything ever happens. And we finished just in time for my family to start arriving for the wedding and what not! It was great!

Things I learned:
-Going for a Sunday walk beats TV any day
-Closet lights are the best invention ever
-Ketchup and Chocolate Syrup don't need to be refrigerated
-You put water in the toilet TANK, not the bowl in order to flush it
-Having a quiet home (no music, tv, etc.) CAN be happier
-Chats by firelight/lantern light are better
-Bread can be baked on a grill (thanks to Ky and Syd)
-I take WAY too much for granted

Here are some pictures of family dinner, (thanks to Grandpa Tom for bringing pie over since making it would have been hard!) and a family walk, which we took since we had nothing else to do, and it ended up being one of my best memories of the whole 3 days! 


Tassi Smith said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Wish we could have been there.

Tina said...

What a smart thing for you to try. We did it for real in the ice storm last year and you do learn alot. What I learned: wet wipes, paper products, batteries, heavy duty extension cords (for generator) stored water, and a land line phone are "got to haves" when you are out of power. We were actually in pretty good shape. I had to dig to find an old phone, but the cordless ones didn't work and so it was a weird feeling to not be able to contact the outside world. We had water, but our neighbors didn't (they are on a well), so they were thankful that I had stored water, they could just carry the gallons from my house to theirs. Also, a funny story--we were playing cards by lantern light one night when we realized that we could actually plug a lamp into the generator. We laughed so hard. We had just been using it to keep the freezer going and the toaster oven occasionally. But, yes we are spoiled rotten. But in lots of ways a simpler life is a better one. We were also thankful for our propane space heater, but then you probably didn't need that in the valley of the sun! Did I mention we had ICE? :)
Love you!
A. Tina

Markee said...

I think it's so cool that you guys did that, what a good experience!